Terms and Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Visitors and users (hereafter referred to as the Customer) of Dinner in the Sky Marrakech Online Reservation System on the Internet (hereafter referred to as System) agree to comply with the following terms of use (hereafter referred to as Terms) before any purchased of seats: The Organizer (7ARIM) shall have the right to amend the Terms of use of the System by publishing the relevant information/news in the www.dinnerinthesky.ma.
Definitions and Interpretation
’Seats’ refers to the seats on the DITS platform.
‘Event’ refers to the Dinner in the Sky Dubai experience, which will be held at a venue in respect of which we have the right to sell you seats.
Evidence (including electronic/online purchases) for our event sold by us to you.
‘Venue’ means any facilities or locations of any nature where the event is being held.
‘The Organizer’ means the organizer. ‘Us’ and ‘Our’ shall be read accordingly.
‘You’ means the seat purchaser or anybody who in our reasonable opinion is acting with your authority or permission. ‘Your’ shall be read accordingly.
All prices quoted are in EURO and includes local taxes.
All seats are sold subject to availability and these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions should be read carefully prior to purchase and any queries relating to them should be raised with us prior to purchase, as purchase of seats constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.
You shall receive the confirmation of seat(s) from the System through the e-mail address provided by the Customer in the System upon paying for the seat(s).
You shall not decide on the arrangement of seats during the event.
A valid seat confirmation must be produced to get into the event. Seat is valid on the date of the event only. 1 seat admits 1 person only.
Removing any part of, altering or defacing the seat confirmation may invalidate your seat. It is your responsibility to check your seat during the purchase process on our System. Any mistake made during the purchase cannot be rectified after the purchase. Please check your seat confirmation carefully and contact us immediately if there is a mistake at info@dinnerinthesky.ma.
The resale of seats are prohibited. We reserve the right to cancel any seat/seats that have been resold.
Any use of the Dinner in The Sky Marrakech System website, its contents and data for any unlawful activities, as well as for the purpose of sale or resale of seats, for advertising or business purposes or otherwise for receiving any benefits, incl. intermediation of seats, is prohibited without organizer prior written consent.
Once seats are sold, no refund or cancellations will be entertained.
The Organizer only accepts responsibility for seats bought from one of its own managed sales points.
Ownership or possession of a seat confirmation does not confer any rights (by implication or otherwise) on you to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks, logos and/or intellectual property appearing on the seat confirmation.
Any seat or seat confirmation obtained in breach of these terms and conditions shall be void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such seat shall be void. Any person seeking to use such a void seat in order to gain or provide entry to our event may be considered to be a trespasser and may be liable to be ejected and liable to legal action. Void seats are non-refundable.
By performing any action on the System’s site, Customer confirms that:
He/she is an individual of at least 18 years of age, has full passive and active legal capacity for using the System.
It is a legal entity whose representative has all and any powers to use the System services in the name of that person, and to assume any obligations for that legal entity
The person duly understands and complies with all the Terms of Use of the System
Pregnant women are also not allowed to experience Dinner in the Sky.
Session Duration
The total session duration is 2,5h.
Price & Payment
The price of the seat shall be the price set at the time we accept your order in UAE dirham.
Please be advised that additional credit/debit card or banking fees may be charged per seat on certain performances.
Changes to Event
The Organizer may postpone, delay, cancel, interrupt or stop the event due to adverse weather, dangerous situations, or any other causes beyond reasonable control.